Two main types of beer fermentation technology:Bottom fermentation and top fermentation
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Two main types of beer fermentation technology:Bottom fermentation and top fermentation

Views: 8526     Author: DEGONG Alice     Publish Time: 2020-07-20      Origin: Site

The task of beer yeast in the fermentation stage is to convert part of the sugar in the wort into alcohol. The fermentation process is interrupted (not 100% sugar conversion) at the set fermentation level. The so-called young or green beer is pumped into another container, where the continuous fermentation process has a lower intensity, but at a lower temperature and a higher pressure, while the beer is carbonated by carbon dioxide, this part of the fermentation process is It is called beer maturation, also called aging.

Two main types of beer fermentation technology:

(1) Bottom fermentation of beer

bottom fermenting

The bottom fermentation style includes all bottom fermentation beer using yeast. Most of the world's products are bottom fermented beer, including Czech beer Pilsner. Including for example Dortmunder, Bock, Marzen and more beers, called lagers.

Bottom beer fermentation is carried out at a temperature of 6-12°C and lasts for 6-12 days. In a month or more, they are at sub-zero temperature (herein referred to as "beer"), which ensures that the primary fermentation process Dispersion of sulfur compounds generated in the process.

The open fermentation technology in the open fermentation tank in the fermentation chamber is usually mainly used to produce bottom-fermented beer, which is a prerequisite for making high-quality bottom-fermented beer with traditional taste. Open technology is definitely not suitable for the production of top fermented beer, because the air entering the surface of the active yeast beer will often lead to undesirable biological pollution.

(2)Top fermentation of beer

top fermenting

The style of top fermentation includes all top fermented beers, including malt, porter, stotte, Altbeer, Trappist or wheat beer. The top fermentation process is carried out at a temperature of 15-24°C and continues 3- 9 days.

In most cases, on the surface of fermented beer, foam is produced due to the rising of carbon dioxide and yeast, which is why they are called top fermented beer. The fermentation of these beers is usually about three weeks, and in some cases may be fermented for several months. The coat yeast is divided into colonies, living on the surface of the wort, and rising through carbon dioxide. Higher fermentation temperature leads to more floral aromas in the final beer. The tastes of top fermented beers are different. We often find exotic aromas (cloves, bananas, fats, etc.), although the brewer does not add these ingredients to the beer , All these are caused by top fermentation.

The best type of fermentation vessel for bottom fermentation is a closed cylindrical tank. The main reason for closed fermentation in the tank is that top-fermented beer is susceptible to the influence of yeast foam from foreign organisms in the environment. Another reason is that the fermentation and maturation of beer can be controlled in one breeding, and it is easier to clean and disinfect closed tanks.


Isobaric fermentation tank can be available

The fermentation tanks provided by DEGONG can be made according to your requirements. There are open fermentation tanks and cylindrical conical closed fermentation tanks. At the same time, maturing tanks and aging tanks are also available, all of which are Isobaric tanks. If you are only used to investigate the market in the early stage, I recommend that you use fewer fermentation tanks to reduce investment costs. Of course, you can increase the number of tanks while stabilizing production and planning expansion.

We are willing to customize for you and make as complete a plan as possible for your brewery project! Welcome to contact me, thank you Alice

provided by DEGONG Alice



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